Wednesday 9 July 2008

Comfrey and Goosegogs

Comfrey. Who asked me for this? Was it Aims or Nancy?

Lovely plant. The herb contains allantoin, a cell proliferant that speeds up the natural replacement of body cells. Comfrey was used to treat a wide variety of ailments ranging from bronchial problems, broken bones, sprains, arthritis, gastric and varicose ulcers, severe burns, acne and other skin conditions. It was reputed to have bone and teeth building properties in children, and have value in treating 'many female disorders'. In past times comfrey baths were popular to repair the hymen and thus 'restore virginity'.

This was a surprise. I've been walking this patch of ground (common ground in Chesterfield) for two years or more and this is the first time I've noticed GOOSEBERRIES growing in one patch at the edge. How super!

I went the opposite way around the cemetery and walked through the old part of the graveyard.

A one point the low cloud and the light made it look like the edge of the world. Bot that's where I'd like to be buried: In the cemetery at the edge of the world.


aims said...

It was me who asked!

I love the picture of the old cemetery. It certainly does look like it's on the edge of the world.

You buried? Hmmmm.....I think you're going to be eternal.... :0)

aims said...

Did you just get spammed?

Rachel Green said...

I did get spammed. I love 'delete forever'

I'll be burned, I think. Kay wants to keep my ashes to gloat over and sell off an ounce here and an ounce there to people who want a 'genuine bit of Jasfoup'. Hey... if it keeps her in pretties I'll not mind.

DK said...

~laughs~ ooh you fibber, I do not! (though it's a delicious idea...)

I want your ashes so I can keep you with me for always, or take you somewhere beautiful we both loved and say goodbye there, or have them turned into a diamond to wear personally! ~grins~ ...I haven't really decided, because I hope that I go first, so ner! ;-)

Love you wyfe, but the 2nd picture didn't show for me?

Rachel Green said...

I don't know what happened to the gooseberry picture but I've put it back up. I thought the diamond was for Luisa? - I was going to be mud.

aims said...

I told The Man and anyone else who will listen to me which isn't many btw - that when I go I just want a burn and pitch party. Everyone is to have a drink and say 'helluva broad' and then they can pitch my ashes anywhere they want.

That is just lovely that Kay wants to keep you around forever...lovely! Sigh...

Rachel Green said...

I'd rather be given to a body farm, i think. Cheaper that way. Kay wants to go first so that she doesn't have to deal with the grief*.

*of replacing me

spacedlaw said...

Gooseberries! I love these! Lucky girl.
I have a plant in the garden but I think the weather is too hot for it and so no luck and no berries.

Rachel Green said...

I have one in the garden with no fruit. I shall be raiding this one on common ground instead.

BT said...

The comments are almost as good as the blog!! I want to be burned and my ashes scattered - oh, anywhere really!! I want everyone to weep buckets full at my funeral then have a good laugh and get drunk afterwards!!

As Joseph would say in response to the question 'Where do you want to be buried', 'Atop o' thee'. (Wuthering Heights)

Rachel Green said...

I think that could be arranged, dear lady ;)

'A'top o' thee' sounds a delightful response. It's too many years since I read that, I think.