Monday 28 July 2008

Fence, Bramble, Buddlia, Lilies

Cooler at long last - four days of heat was enough to call it summer.

Fence, Barbed Wire, Wall, Ivy
At the back of the cemetery.

A cut log and fresh Blackberry leaves.

I noticed a bramble overhead in the gennel yesterday. Today, I kid you not, it had grown a further 12" and reached the other side.

This at the front of our garden

Teasel and Buddlia

Amongst the weeds in a neighbour's garden, two Calla Lilies flower.

(shot at long distance and cropped, so the resolution is low.)


aims said...

Okay - a pic of the bramble please.

Today I met The Man for a picnic lunch after I was in the same town he works in having my fillings replaced. We drove past the cemetery of this town and I craned my head looking for a place to picnic - but he kept driving and said 'we're not having our lunch in a cemetery - even if Rachel would'.

Promised pics soon to be emailed...

Rachel Green said...

How super!

Sorry about your fillings though!

BT said...

We have bramble bushes like that Rach. I swear they grow as you watch them! We will have to do something about them or they'll be coming in the windows.

I love teasles but they do take over.

Rachel Green said...

I agree! I'll be ripping them out before they seed this year.