Monday 21 July 2008

Skies and Gates

I couldn't resist a shot of the sky today. Although it was so windy I had to wear my ancient and very ratty leather coat (and peaked cap) and looked like a cantankerous old bloke (aren't they all?) i couldn't complain about the sun or the sky. Magical.

These are the cemetery gates. I'm tempted to visualise these when I talk about the gates of Laverstone Manor. They're not quite what i had in mind but they're close.

Another one of the sky with an X marks the spot. and a Bear running about madly.


aims said...

Isn't a bloke a man or do I have that wrong? If so - why the hell do you keep saying you look like a bloke?! You don't!

I had that image of the gates of the manor as looking just like that as well. And I've never seen an X in the sky nor a bear running madly about... :0)

Rachel Green said...

Thanks Aims.

I do actually look quite male - broad shoulders and no tits. I get 'sir' when I'm out shopping.

I'm glad the gates math the one in your head :)

aims said...

Well - let me tell you - tits are a hassle - and annoying.

My mom use to be called a man once in a while. Helped us greatly once when coming back from a trip to the states. We shopped for 3 weeks...great fun - until we got to the border and had to declare everything.

Way past our limit the man told us to come inside. When I got out of the car he said 'and tell that man to come in as well'. I looked shocked and said - 'that man happens to be my mother'.

He waved us through......

Rachel Green said...

What a great story :)

I've had it all my life and don't like it much. Interesting, though, because it formed the hard, cynical woman I am today ;)