Wednesday 27 August 2008

Stones and Rubbish

Walking through the wetlands field again I spied this piece of lichen-covered stone and wanted to take it home. Even the brick in the foreground was full of bountiful colour.

At the top of the ridge, where houses overlook the field, was this swathe of polygonum (Russian Vine) at the back of someone's garden.

Here's the start of the woods and the horrendous amount of rubbish that fills it. This is what i hate, not the rusting hulks or the abandoned factories but the utter laziness of people not disposing of litter.

Sure, I made dens when I was a kid but I never, ever left rubbish. Perhaps because I was brought up on Enid Blyton whose characters always cleaned up after themselves.

Finally, what's the betting that all this rubbish -- and it's mostly beer cans -- came sailing over the fence from the garden at the top?

Perhaps if we had Fun Garbage Bags?


aims said...


That is just digusting!

Do they not have bottle return depots over there? We get money back for returns and then the returns get recycled into useful items. Like fences, binders, etc. etc.

Disgusting Rachel! I know you promised....ick!

I do like the fun garbage bags tho. Those are a hoot aren't they?

Rachel Green said...

We have recycling of everything over here, though no money back on empties policies.

This could so easily be avoided.

I like rabbit bags ;)

pierre l said...

Personally, I don't think Rachel is disgusting at all (sorry for purposely misreading the previous comment. We have a dirty car because I trained my children (from a very young age) that when you have finished with your sweet packet, you put it in the door pocket or on the floor of the car. From time to time, we tidy the car. They are now just under thirty, and still don't litter.
While those bags look nice, the only answer is to persuade the people not to litter in the first place. The last time I was in the USA, many years ago, they had stiff fines for littering on the roads, and enough police patrols to enforce the laws.
By the way, you take nice pictures, Rachel.

BT said...

How awful that looks, Rachel. Now why don't we get the asbo kids out there clearing it up? Or the unemployed? I'm sure it's better than them just dossing around.
A friend of mine went to Denmark, I think it was, and the bins spoke when you put something in. She said the place was spotless and they were all searching their pockets for things to bin. I wonder if it would work in the UK? Maybe vandals would just wreck them.

Olga/Maddie said...

Hinton is a veritable 'garbage wasteland'.

In fact, I think I have seen some abandoned shoes around here that would do nicely as photos for one of DK's blogs. *BG*

But yes, there is a lot of garbage around here.

And I do try to pick up some things and put them in the garbage. But also I put my own rubbish into the garbage bins.

So I just can't understand why other people around here can't do the same.

Sigh! :(.

Hope that you and yours are doing all right, that things are going okay, and that today goes all right for you all.

Hugs, lovies, and stuffs for you all. *HG*

God bless and take care. :).

P.S.: I love the 'Oscar The Grouch' fun
garbage bags. *BG*

Rachel Green said...

It would be the work of two men for a week to clean up the woods. That's England for you -- the land of trash.