Thursday 18 September 2008

Market day

Remembering PIN numbers
for long-unused bank accounts
for the last tenner .
We wander the flea market
pretending we have no cares.

Chesterfield flea market - every Thursday
Where for a lot of money you can buy all the things your parents had to make do with.

This could be
my father's back yard.
I remember carrying galvanised buckets and watering cans
late evening watering.

I bought spring bulbs and soup bowls!


DK said...

beautiful! I'm smiling with amusement that we took so many similar shots :-) x

Rachel Green said...

It was a frabjous day :)

Liane Spicer said...

Intriguing! I recognize some of those!

Thank you for coming by my blog and joining in the book launch celebration. Best of luck to you too!

Rachel Green said...

Thanks Tryst - Actually I have your blog on RSS

spacedlaw said...

I like your definition for the flea market. So true. But now it's "vintage"!

Rachel Green said...

Vintage indeed. Now means 'twice the price'

BT said...

Looks like you had a great time. I'm envious. They don't have lovely things like that here in Ireland.

Must go and look at K's flicker!

Rachel Green said...

I almost wish they didn't here! I buy too much junk!

aims said...

I guess your father was a far tidier man than mine. You couldn't see the ground for all the junk on it if it was my father's back yard.

Your description of 'vintage' made me laugh. That's a good one Rachel.

Anonymous said...

Man! Those are some big clothespins!

Rachel Green said...

They're traditional ones made by wrapping wire around a split twig.

Olga/Maddie said...

Did I see some books in one of those boxes (in one of the photos)? *BG*

And the market looks it would be a great place to spend some time. *big smile*

Oh, and if I were at that market, some books would be coming away from there (courtesy of me). *VBG*

I'm happy that you and DK were able to go there, yesterday. *happy smile*

Hugs, lovies, and stuffs for you all. *HG*

God bless and take care. :).

Rachel Green said...

There are several bookstalls, Olga :)

Olga/Maddie said...

Several bookstalls?

Oh but I'm in heaven!

Er, sorry, Jasfoup. *GG*

Hugs, lovies, and stuffs for you all. *HG*

God bless and take care. :).