Sunday 9 November 2008

Cemetery Walk, Sun, Rain

DK got me some Persil washing tablets
and a 'Marty the Zebra' hand puppet!

You can put two gingers in his snout and animate that, too.

When the council do a roof, they even bring their own portaloo

The Poplar tree and the hawthorn beneath it

Far away...

Cemetery road


Next door have taken their 'for sale' sign down.
Is it sold or did they take it off the market?

Best served with ketchup.


aims said...

We don't have sycamore trees here. I see faces in the trunk. Do you?

Rachel Green said...

Maples are in the same family :)

I see faces all too often!

spacedlaw said...

What does the cat says to ketchup? Calls it catsup?

Rachel Green said...

I've never heard anyone call it that outside of sitcoms!

spacedlaw said...

That's because I lived in Holland and catsup is a sauce often used there in the Indonesian cooking. It is a parent of Ketchup, a branch that has not evolved or evolved in a different way.