Monday 3 November 2008

Wet Dog Post

Ah! The delights of children.

This is the 'den' of the local youths.

Gaiman's Pollution would be proud.

The path less travelled...
perhaps because it's covered in wire?

Beauty in autumnal leaves, though.
This, a sycamore in the woods.

Someone rolled in something disgusting.
No wonder I kept checking the soles of my boots.
Trickster doesn't like baths.

Happy postal stuff.

A 'thank you' for the review (here) of
David Oprava's 'VS' from the author

and a contributor's copy of
Misfit Mirror: An Anthology of Poetry & Flash Fiction
not available for a week or two yet but I can get them for £6.50 plus £1 postage.


aims said...

I googled Gaimans Pollution and didn't come up with anything.

How about sending those first 2 pics to your council and asking them to do something about it?

The garbage just makes me angry

Rachel Green said...

Pollution is one of the Four Riders of the Apolalypse in Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett's 'Good Omens'

I know you hate the rubbish, Aims, but I try to show all sides of the town. The council, sadly, is understaffed.

Unknown said...

Any day with books in the mail has something to commend it.