Tuesday 30 December 2008

Zen and the art of Rubbish Arrangement

In the post
a box of review copies
thirty more books

and a typo.

Publisher sending them out?
apparently not
Does the NYT take
author submissions?

Bathtub in the woods.

Almost Zen -
half a bifold door
and a burned stump

finds a Lady stump


spacedlaw said...

So the wood fairies can have a bath to play with their rubber ducks in.
Just like they have a hot'dog stand in a very special wood somewhere in Minnesota...

Rachel Green said...

How bizarre!

spacedlaw said...

It's a special wood...

Unknown said...

What you need is a publicist to send them out, even a self-styled one. :)

Rachel Green said...

Very true, but I have no money to pay one.