Friday 30 January 2009

Canine Love

Instant infatuation
as I browse the gardening section
of Wilkinson’s
my fingers fluttering
over new season surprises.

No money to buy the brushwood screen
I coveted last year
and went to buy
the week it went out of stock.

No money to embrace
half a wall stacked with fruiting shrubs,
perennials, annuals,
seeds and summer bulbs.

No money to buy—
wait! A canine sculpture
in copper and steel
with droopy ears
and waggy tail
(on a spring)
and nodding head
and pointy nose
and four little feet
and polished toes

I could hardly contain my glee
I had to buy him – he was just so me
One of a kind and ten pounds to pay
I’ll skimp on the dinner just for today.


aims said...

I think I know that particular sculpture! A place of honour for him then?

Lane Mathias said...

Awww. He has a good home:-)

Rachel Green said...

He has a hapi :)

spacedlaw said...

A good fun buy.