Sunday 19 April 2009


I click ‘refresh’ one more time
to see if someone has posted
on my 300 blog daily RSS
and then again on livejournal.
In the e-mail reader
the Outlook is bleak –
just a few dozen surveys
I’ve put off for a few days.
Ten o’clock.
Time to take the dogs
through the fields, the cemetery, the road home
then into the greenhouse
to prick out seedlings,
and check the vegetables
for slug damage;
the seeds for germination.
Back indoors for
laundry, washing up, tea
(refresh, refresh)
and write a demon’s blog, a poem, a Laverstone Tale.
Oh! Is it lunchtime?
I’ll write more of the novel
If I have time.


Unknown said...

The painting that goes with this is super, Rachel. Still love the poem. :)

Rachel Green said...

Thank you kindly :)

aims said...

And why do we do that? High hopes? Boredom? Procrastination?

Excellent - as usual dear friend.

Rachel Green said...

In my case procrastination

BT said...

Lovely poem and painting, as stephanie so rightly says.