Tuesday 2 June 2009

Recycling Box

Blue box day -
drinking habits of neighbours


aims said...

Here we have refunds on our bottles and containers. Usually 5 cents per can - 10 cents per large pop bottle.

There are people who walk the highways picking up bottles and taking them in for refunds. It's a hard way to earn some extra dollars but it sure keeps the province much cleaner.

The last time I took in my collection of bottles from The Man's intake and a summer of pop drinkers at my brother's .... I made $120.00!

I'm a tea drinker. No refunds on that.

aims said...

btw - wanted to say that I was in Ontario on a visit where they don't have this program. There were bottles and containers all over the ground. After having lived in Alberta for 20 years now I was shocked at the garbage and the waste of good recyclable products.

Rachel Green said...

I heartily approve of recycling scemes. Aims - they used to do that here. Not sure why it stopped.

DK said...
