Wednesday 2 September 2009

Dressings Dressed

I called for a taxi
which arrived promptly
before I've even had a 'make-sure'
or put my shoes on.
The fare to the doughnut cost four pounds
and I logged into the doctors
and read my book
before being called in to see the nurse.
Progress on the ankle was good, though the wound wept
(was it counting sorrows?)
iodine strips and dressings
and enough to do the same at home.
I limp into town
to post a promised CD
then buy some black tulips
and dog chews made to look like orange cats
and find a taxi
which stops at every traffic light
and costs another fiver to get home.


aims said...

Weeping sorrows.....very appropriate I think. Maybe weeping for the loss of the steel? Weeping for the loss of past pain? Or - happy tears for upcoming jaunts through the cemetery.

Rachel Green said...

Whatever it was, the wound is healing.

Gerald (SK14) said...

Those traffic lights do add to the cost of a taxi don't they! Maddens me that does - where's the incentive to get you home quick?

Rachel Green said...

I think we stopped at every set!

I'd have walked had I not lad surgery last week!

spacedlaw said...

Let the wound weep all its tears and wears.
Shame about the taxi fare.

BT said...

I hope it clears up soon, no more weeping allowed! Dog chews in the shape of cats? How bizarre! What an expensive doctors trip.

Rachel Green said...

I had to taxi it since I couldn't walk.

Unknown said...

:( I do hope it's healing, Rachel. I'd like to hear of you on the mend please.

Rachel Green said...

Thank you. It's actually quite painful today.