Wednesday 18 November 2009

November Poems 17

A Novel Big Bang

Words explode
filling the page
in a frenzy of activity
lines of dialogue
collide with reams of descriptive passages,
settings, character portraits, plot
and is cut
until the whole thing
is almost
(but not quite)
entirely unlike a novel –

the characters
are drowning in purple
and sinking
under the weight of verbs.

I screw the whole thing up
an implosion
of plotting and writing
leaving just the premise
to survive


aims said...

Tear it down and build it again? Hmmm - seems like the story of life really doesn't it?

Rachel Green said...

It's called editing ;)

Unknown said...

Fantastic (and true) description of the process. It is a bit bloody, isn't it?

Rachel Green said...

Kill your darlings, they say ;)